What you can expect from TMW

Hey y’all! I’m Lauren; I’m the woman behind The Minimalist Wallet.

I have been blogging about minimalism, sustainability, and personal finance online since 2015. That same year I started staying home full-time with my twin babies (now 7 years) and putting a lot more thought into the way I was living.

After going back to school in 2016 to study finance, I started to learn the intricacies of the finance market…and I did not love what I was learning. Finance professionals are taught to value profit over people and planet, something that goes deeply against my moral compass.

As a life-long environmentalist, practitioner of minimalism, and former owner of $26k in student loans and no degree, I knew I couldn’t be part of system that continued to reward the privileged with zero regard for how the rest of the population and our environment are affected.

In September 2021, 4 months after graduating with my BSBA in Finance and 3 years after locking down the brand domain and handles, I launched The Minimalist Wallet.

The Minimalist Wallet is here to:

1. Provide you education in how your financial decisions ripple out into the world around and how you can affect change with your dollars via online class offerings,

2. Support you in your journey towards living intentionally, sustainably, and ethical via 1:1 coaching,

3. And give you the tools you need to make aligned spending choices via printable and PDFs.

To learn more about how The Minimalist Wallet can help you, click the contact tab, and let’s get stay in touch!


Choose to move forward with gratitude


Break the gift cycle